Ultimate Hits Collection

Rhino’s Ultimate Hits Collection presents the full breath and vivid personality of “The Genius,” Ray Charles. Every song is restored and sounds as gorgeous, if not better, than what the original mono sound could have offered. But the true reason to seek out, nay, to buy this nearly impossible to find set, is to hear the growth and maturation of Charles’ voice and his work. From the early rock & rollers to the R&B/country mutations, Charles’ voice can be a tool of rabblerousing hound-dog come-on’s or of a sweet melancholy in its evocations of heartbreak. It all depends on what the song demands. However, if the reasons that I have already mentioned for buying this set hasn’t made you want to go out and buy it, know that this set is better than most, and possibly the best of the bunch, because it includes lesser-known, but no less astounding, selections like “Mess Around” and “Hide ‘Nor Hair.” (The Birth of Soul boxset withstanding, of course.) The booklet is filled with great photos, nicely detailed and lengthy liner notes, two jewel cases for each disc, and the packaging has a wonderful cover. It might be hard to find, and a fairly large package, but it is worth seeking out because everyone should own at least one album by Brother Ray. DOWNLOAD: “Georgia On My Mind,” “Hallelujah, I Love Her So,” “What’d I Say,” “Hit the Road Jack”